The Challenge!

The original challenge can be seen below, however since writing this blog I have realised that I was being a tad unrealistic in the expectations I had of myself. Taking this into consideration I have revised the Challenge slightly to entail a similar aim; to save money for a holiday, but define it with rules that I can actually stick to. Instead of cutting out shopping all together, I have to limit my purchases by number of items, price and most importantly the date I'm am buying. I am only allowed to shop on certain target dates that I set myself and have to stick to!!!

In 2008 I went to Bulgaria on holiday, in 2009 I went to Egypt on holiday, in 2010 I went nowhere!  So this year I want to go on a hot holiday again but my addiction to clothes severely prohibits me from the ability to save money, that's why I have decided that throughout the rest of February, March and April I am going to attempt to go cold turkey, and not buy a single item of clothing!  This may seem fairly simple for some people, however, for me clothes are my sunshine... they make me smile when I am down, enthusiatic when I'm lackadaisical, passionate when I'm unmoved!  I estimate that if I complete my challenge successfully I will have saved myself approximately £80 a month, which would help me considerably on  my way to a tropical foreign land.  I will record and share with you every moment of weakness, unease and strength on my path to a retail free existance... (ok maybe not retail free for the rest of my life, but I will definately be buying a lot less than now!)